Sunday 3 May 2015

Baba Buta Singh Ji Maharaj ( 1873 -1943 )

Author: Dinesh

"I sacrifice my all to the man who is eager,
within and without to realise God. "

Inclined towards God since childhood
The founder of the Sant Nirankari Mission ,
Baba Buta Singh Ji was born in the year 1873
at Village Hudwal , Distt. Kaimalpur (Pakistan )
in the family of Shri Bishan Singh Ji and Smt.
Mayawanti Ji . He had spiritual leaning from
the very childhood and had developed a
special aptitude for reciting Gurbani ( holy
verses from the Adi Granth ).
A good orator on Gurbani , he was equally
sincere and serious in understanding the
same . This trait helped paving his way to
reach and realise the Truth. It is said that
whenever he used to recite Gurbani or sing
the same , he would be so lost in it as to
forget even his physical self. His views and
concepts was so clear and strong that nobody
could utter even a single word to negate his
view- point.

Meeting True Master …his Satguru

On a day in 1913 , Baba Buta Singh was
singing at a congregation . With tears in his
eyes, he sang: Mohan ghar aavo , haun karon
jodariya ( O Lord, come home, I humbly
entreat.) .Those sitting in the congregation
were enjoying the delightful recitation . One
of them , Bhai Sahib Kahan Singh Ji, who was
also listening to Baba Buta Singh Ji with rapt
attention, noted the repetition of the above

After the program , he could not resist
approaching Baba Buta Ji . He asked him
politely, " Bhai Buta Singh Ji , where is your
Mohan (Lord ) whom you want to meet ?" and
added hastily , “ First know Him, otherwise
your calling Him will have no effect. "
These words had a piercing effect on the
young Buta Singh Ji . He clearly understood
that the person did possess some spiritual
secret. He followed him for knowing the
Truth. Bhai Sahib Kahan Singh Ji initially tried
to put him off , but ultimately he had to yield
to the former's humility and strong urge and
finally revealed God knowledge to him.
At the time of receiving Brahm Gyan or God -
knowledge, Baba Buta Singh Ji was 40 years
old . For about 15 years he remained quiet ,
assimilating what he had come to know from
Bhai Sahib Kahan Singh Ji and comparing it
with the vast knowledge of Gurbani he had.
Thereafter Baba Buta Singh Ji started
revealing the Divine Secret to whosoever was
found interested and among his first few
disciples was Baba Avtar Singh Ji .
Baba Buta Singh Ji and his esteemed wife had
a very simple life . Being a staunch devotee of
God, Baba Buta Singh Ji would not like to
think of worldly requirements beyond what
was necessary for 'present '. He had a brief
stint in the Army. Later , he left the job and
adopted art of tattooing for livelihood which
was quiet adequate to maintain his family .
Meeting with Avtar Singh Ji – foundation of
Sant Nirankari Mission
The Sant Nirankari Mission had its formal
beginning on May 25 , 1929 , the day when
Baba Avtar Singh Ji received God -knowledge
from Baba Buta Singh Ji and joined him in
taking the spiritual light to as many people as
possible. The orthodox elements of the time
did resist them but indirectly served to make
the Mission known to more and more people .
One day the Master and his Disciple were
going to Village Latifal , the birth place of
Baba Avtar Singh Ji . From the Dhudial railway
station they had to walk on foot for about
four miles. Some critics from Dhudial ,
however , planned to kill them . So , they were
hiding on the way.
The sun had already set and there was
darkness all around. Baba Buta Singh Ji and
Baba Avtar Singh Ji , however , were so
engrossed in their conversation that they
took a different road . Naturally , their
opponents kept waiting for them in vain. This
convinced them of the spiritual power of
Baba Buta Singh Ji and the very next day they
all surrendered to him .
Baba Buta Singh Ji believed that the selfless
service to others is a seed for prosperity and
he wanted to see every disciple of his
prospering. One day he asked one of his
disciples to shell out some money for
offering food to saints. Baba Avtar Singh Ji
saw this and said, “ Baba Ji , you could have
told me. Why did you ask for money from
the other person ? He may start
misunderstanding you.” Baba Ji , however ,
replied, “Bhai Avtar Singh! Do you want to
usurp the entire wealth of the world?
Don’t you think Satguru is a always a giver
and not a beggar . I want that every disciple
may prosper . None should suffer from
material wants. That is why I ask them to
contribute something towards service of
others. This will prove a seed for their
prosperity ”. Baba Avtar Singh Ji understood
what the Master wanted to teach and
thereafter never objected to such an act
The last Journey
It is said that Baba Buta Singh Ji knew about
his end. In 1943 , he was convalescing at a
popular tourist resort , Koh Murree (now in
Pakistan) . Some of his disciples were looking
after him. He asked Baba Avtar Singh Ji to
call other disciples also. When most of the
disciples assembled , Baba Buta Singh Ji asked
Baba Avtar Singh Ji to arrange for some white
sheets, etc . normally required at the time of
After everything was arranged, he took out
his white Dupatta i .e . scarf and put it round
the neck of Baba Avtar Singh Ji and bowed at
his feet. All other disciples understood that
he was nominating Baba Avtar Singh Ji as his
successor to head the Mission . He told Baba
Avtar Singh Ji that white Dupatta is not a sign
of decoration; it is a symbol of
responsibility. It is like a necklace of razors.
The razors may not harm so long as the neck
is straight. What he meant was that he
should move straight on the path of the
Truth without permitting his mind to waver .
All the disciples bowed at the feet of Baba
Avtar Singh Ji and thus accepted him as their
Spiritual Master .
Moments later , Baba Buta Singh breathed his
last. His body was taken on its last journey in
a procession led by Military Band . And this
closed the first chapter of the history of the
Sant Nirankari Mission .

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