Thursday 16 July 2015


                     Admin: Dinesh
          Facebook.  Twitter@rjdineshkumar

Aim of human life

Realisation of God
Role of True Master
Peace Within
Universal Brotherhood
Peaceful Co - existence

The primary objective of human life is God Realization  which leads to Self Realization .
Human Life is an opportunity to awaken ourselves out
of dream of Illusion and realize the real self which is
part of continuum – the fact that my existence is false
and that I do not exist is true .
The realisation of God takes into its fold the realisation
of Self in such a manner that the latter ceases to be
significant, merges its entity with the Supreme entity ,
i . e . God . The spark becomes part of the Flame , the
drop ’s journey comes to an end after it is immersed in
the Ocean .
Once God is realised by Soul , once it discovers the
Truth and is face to face with it , righteousness , purity
and nobleness take on, rather drive away all the false
and evil forces dominating human life hitherto .
The darkness of ignorance having automatically gone
on the advent of Divine Light , ill - will gives place to
goodwill, hatred to love, discord to tolerance and so
on . All apprehensions and delusions disappear . The life
becomes as clean, pure and sublime as Divinity itself.


After GOD ’ s realization, we operate at level of continuity
that exists throughout in various forms of Life and
hence we see a common thread across all diversity . It
is this understanding that drives the Mission and the
followers to perform actions that ensure Peaceful co-
existence and not be fanatics.

Unity Vs Uniformity

The need is not to dwell in uniformity but to able to
exist with diverse styles and bring synergy in what we
do together . Each individual is unique as created by
divinity, it would be against divine nature if we force
individuals to think and do alike. We should be able to
think differently and yet leverage the formless link to
bring synergy and prosperity .


Realization of God

Knowing about God is a knowledge and knowing God
is Realisation of God as “Knowing about something ” is
different from “knowing something ”.
Whereas FORM is manifestation of Maya , GOD is
FORMLESS that never changes - Nirankar – Changeless
in the changing world - He is omnipresent , omnipotent ,
omniscient and eternal .
God can only be realized with the blessing of living true
GOD is the continuum and the world is a super-
imposition on this never - changing substratum . We, as
limited by five senses , miss the substrate and see what
grows over it . Just like we attempt to see SPACE – we
see everything – moon , stars , birds and sky; but fail to
see the SPACE .
However our mental ability can make us interpret
SPACE and we all see it without seeing it . GOD can be
realized in a similar manner. This requires an
understanding beyond the five senses , however.


Peaceful Co - existence

The mission deals with the spirit in man and lays
stress on the role of the individual . The nations of
world are all composed of individuals, and it is the
interrelation and liaison of the individuals that go to
constitute the human society.
Ultimately , the unit of our family , nation or human
society is the individuation . And who is that individual ?
You and I .
Therefore, no power on earth can possibly fulfill the
slogan of ‘ world- peace’ and ‘ human- brotherhood ’
unless relationship between you and I , that is man and
man becomes sweet and smooth .
The fulcrum of every world problem, in reality lies in
our own minds and hearts. Far reaching results can
only be achieved by making a start at the nearest point
and that nearest point is our own self .
If individual is at peace, the world at large will
automatically be at peace .


Role of True Master

We can realize GOD with an evolved mind - mind that
has developed the capability to see the substrate over
which grows the matter.
Since this needs mental evolution to understand what
is beyond five senses , this process of mental
awakening cannot be documented and neither can be
spoken. This needs union with human personality who
himself is awakened .
He , who is awakened to this supreme consciousness ,
can take our mind beyond five senses to realize the
TRUTH. A TRUE MASTER does it instantly – by making
you experience his experience .
This does not need any religious practices . GOD ’ s
knowledge cannot have anything to do with any of
these; because GOD is so simple that we stumble over
its simplicity – TRUE master makes us experience this
simplicity .
We need to understand that GOD cannot be
complicated . GOD is simple and simple is divine.



Three aspects of devotion – Satsang , Sewa and
Devotion is not a means to know God , but having
known Him , it is a way of life for the devotee ever
expressing his heart felt gratitude for His bounties.
Such a devotion is not subjected to the limitations of
rituals, time or place . Knowledge of God is not the end ,
but the beginning of devotion .
A true disciple sees the Divine in all, and so is ever in
Satsang . His every action is dedicated to the Divine ,
turning it into Sewa. And he lives in a state of constant
awareness of Nirankar , making his every breath a
Bliss and Joy , that emerges out of experiencing GOD ,
manifests in form of staying with enlightened ones,
serving all and remembering the Self .
All of this comes naturally; but yet needs to be forced
at times since Maya is too strong to make the true
understanding take a back seat .

(a ) Satsang (b ) Sewa ( c) Sumiran

SatsangGathering of devotees or enlightened beings is
known as satsang . In fact satsang actually means to
be joining with the truth . In the mission , it is believed
that although for practical reasons, satsang has been
given time and place for worshipers to gather the
spiritual perspective , yet one has the potential to live in
a state of satsang, which is beyond any man - made
constraints of time and place.

Sewa: The term is used to define the self- less service
of humanity without want for reward . This can be
achieved through many means and forms but behind
this voluntary service is the most important fact of
self - less intention , which counts.

Sumiran: Following God - knowledge ( Brahm Gyan ), the
True Master asks the devotee to remember God all the
time , everywhere and in all circumstances and thus
make it a part of his daily life , his normal behaviour .

Sumiran, usually spelt here as ‘Simran ’ , serves as
devotee’ s prayer also. It keeps his or her faith in God
and God - knowledge firm and steadfast .
It serves as the most convenient means to express the
devotee’ s love for God ( Bhakti) . Here the True Master
provides spiritual or divine support to Simran to make it
effective and fruitful for the devotee . It reads in Punjabi
as : “ Tu Hi Nirankar, Main Teri Sharan Haan, Mainoon
Baksh Lo” i . e. O’ Thou Formless One , I surrender to
Thee, Please forgive me.


Peace Within

The realisation of God takes us to a state which is
described in spiritual jargon as SEHAJ . This is the state
of human mind where man does not feel elated on
finding something and pained on losing it . He does not
envy the more fortunate and frown at the less
fortunate fellow beings .
He is fully contented with what he has . In fact, he feels
grateful to the Supreme Donor , God , for whatever has
been bestowed on him - - physical strength , intellectual
ability and material wealth . Comfort lies in realizing
what HE IS and not by what he has .
He values the lasting peace and joy within that flows
from contentment more than any worldly possession.
This is attitude that the Mission seeks to promote
through spiritual enlightenment.
Peace is a natural outcome of GOD ’s realization. The
experience immediately changes our outlook - where
we start anchoring ourselves at supreme Self and not
at our body . This mental change makes us peaceful .
Just like the centre of a fan that does not rotate when
fan rotates .
If we are anchored right at centre of fan, we never
move – if we anchor at periphery of fan, we move with
fan. It is this anchoring at supreme self that makes us
observer and not observed – and peace is a natural
outcome – the unmoved Self .


                      Admin: Dinesh
          Facebook.  Twitter@rjdineshkumar

Tuesday 14 July 2015

Satguru Baba Hardev Singh Ji Maharaj

     Early Life

Baba Hardev Singh Ji was born on February 23 , 1954 in
Delhi in the family of Baba Gurbachan Singh Ji and
Rajmata Kulwant Kaur Ji . As a child , Hardev was very
fortunate to have worldly as well as spiritual blessings
of His parents and the then Satguru Baba Avtar Singh
Ji and Jagat Mata Budhwanti Ji as their grand parents .
With the growth of child Hardev , grew his
thoughtfulness and sobriety . He saw every object and
observed every event with due curiosity but used to
keep silent . Respect , regards for elders and trait of
humility could be noticed in him from the very
childhood .
Interest in congregations and listening to discourses
also became conspicuous in him . The kind and pure
hearted child Hardev was never found spend thrift and
emotional . Gradually he started taking keen interest in
photography .
Baba Hardev Singh Ji received his elementary
education at home. With his sharp intellect , he learnt
alphabets of Hindi, English and counting very quickly .
Thereafter, he was sent to Rosary Public School , Sant
Nirankari Colony, Delhi, where by sweet nature and
intelligence he cast spell on teachers and fellow
students .
They say that boy Hardev was often found in the class
sitting thoughtfully and sometimes with eyes half - shut.
But he was always discovered to be fully attentive and
responsive to what the teacher taught .
In 1963, Baba Hardev Singh Ji was sent to the
Yadvendra Public School , Patiala , a boarding school
and an institution of national fame , from where he
passed the high school examination in 1969 . His co-
operative and compassionate nature made him popular
with the teachers and the fellow - students alike.
His school education was equally supplemented and
cemented with spiritual touch received through the
letters of his affectionate mother, Rajmata Kulwant
Kaur Ji . During his stay in the school , Baba Hardev
Singh Ji also developed keen interest in
mountaineering . With his class- fellows and even alone ,
he would cover difficult terrains to reach certain places .
This hobby added the trait of patience and
perseverance in his life . He was never found tired or
worried . He was also very skill- full in vehicle driving
and horse riding . On completion of his school
education at Patiala , Baba Hardev Singh Ji returned to
Delhi and started further education under Delhi
University and also took keen interest in the socio -
spiritual activities of the Mission .
He became very regular in Congregations and Sewa.
His humility earned him the name 'Bhola Ji '. In 1971 ,
Baba Hardev Singh Ji joined the Nirankari Sewa Dal as
its primary member and enjoyed himself serving in
cotton Khaki (brown ) uniform .
He organized " Youth Forum" in 1975 , which focused on
promoting truthful and simple living, service with
devotion and love, refraining from incurring undue
expenses and practicing prohibition .
During the Annual Nirankari Sant Samagam in Delhi in
1975 , Baba Hardev Singh Ji was married in a simple
ceremony to Savinder Ji , daughter of devoted saints
Shri Gurumukh Singh Ji and Smt . Madan Ji of
Farrukhabad , Uttar Pradesh. Born on January 12 , 1958 ,
Savinder Kaur now addressed out of love and devotion
by devotees of the Mission as Pujya Mata Ji , is well
educated and duty conscious.
Spiritual Mentor
Baba Hardev Singh Ji became the spiritual mentor of
the Mission under adverse circumstances when It’ s
Spiritual Master and a crusader for unity , peace and
tranquility Baba Gurbachan Singh Ji had fallen to the
bullets of fanatic element on 24 April, 1980 .
Young Hardev had lost not only the Satguru but his
beloved father also. This was the moment when
forbearance , patience and tolerance of every follower of
the Mission were under severe stress and a grave test.
The very future of the Mission stood challenged .
Followers who had been taught to surrender to the will
of God were finding it difficult to accept the verdict of
'destiny ' which sounded to them as a deliberate
violation of 'divine law ' by a handful of misguided men .
At the same time , every Nirankari believed that the
Satguru is an ever - living entity which would manifest
itself in some other physical frame or human body .
They had , however , not to wait for long . Immediately
after the funeral of the mortal remains of Baba
Gurbachan Singh Ji at the electric crematorium in Delhi
on 27 th April, 1980 , Hardev was greeted and hailed as
the Head of the Mission and everybody present
witnessed the Satguru already manifested in him .
His Holiness Baba Hardev Singh Ji , who was known for
his calm nature , addressed the devotees as a perfect
spiritual master . He said "Baba Gurbachan Singh Ji 's
martyrdom is the will of God . Perceptions differ from
people to people . The ignorant say that it may lead to
bloodshed but the devotees believe that being a
supreme sacrifice , it shall usher in peace and harmony .
Imbibing such lofty ideals , we should continue to
spread the Mission with a greater zeal . " Baba Hardev
Singh Ji ruled out even the remotest thought of
vengeance saying that ' it would go contrary to what
Baba Gurbachan Singh Ji lived and sacrificed his life
He exhorted devotees to carry on his message of
compassion , goodwill , love and truth and pray for the
welfare of one and all. The result was quite
instantaneous and healthy . Followers remained non-
violent even in the face of serious provocations from
fanatics and extremists . And when the day came in
1981 , Baba Ji ordained it to be experiential as Manav
Ekta Divas (Human Unity Day ) and not as Martyrdom
Day etc.

Peace at any Price


The supreme sacrifice of Baba Gurbachan Singh Ji and
the first holy discourse by Baba Hardev Singh Ji had
far greater and much deeper significance .
The former showed that the Mission had paid the
heaviest price for the peace. Earlier, more than 60
leading missionaries ’ forbearance was put to the
hardest test when they were compelled to undergo the
agony of judicial custody for about two years for the
fault that was found to be not theirs at all.
Now the Mission had lost its spiritual mentor whose
only fault was that he preached Truth and Peace . From
the first holy discourse by Satguru Baba Hardev Singh
Ji Maharaj and the message contained therein, one
could understand his vision for time to come.
With his call to devotees to continue to spread the
message of love, peace and praying for goodwill for all ,
a disastrous mishap stood averted . No doubt the
followers of the Mission continued to suffer both in
terms of life and property here and there, the voice of
Truth spread far and wide carrying with it the message
of peace, love, humility and tolerance. 


Extensive Tours
In order to translate his commitment of peace, love and
universal brotherhood into action, Baba Hardev Singh Ji
lost no time and undertook extensive tours within the
country and abroad. He was also conscious of the fact
that devotees all over India and elsewhere in the world
needed to be pacified and consoled over the sudden
disappearance of Baba Gurbachan Singh Ji from their
midst in physical form .
The situation at that time was not an easy affair to
travel far and wide and organize mass congregations in
the open . Even then , Baba Ji went up to the remotest
areas and encouraged one and all to keep the flag of
love, peace and human unity flying. Though the
spiritual tours of Baba Hardev Singh Ji sought to cover
vast areas with long distances, his approach was at the
same time intensive and intimate . He travelled mostly
by road and met people as they were , where they
were .
He would mix up with them, sit with them, and dine
with them, so that he knows them as intimately as
possible. Naturally , wherever he went, people found
him sharing their pleasure and pain as a member of the
family . In fact, Baba Ji showered his blessings just like
any head of the family .
Baba Ji ’s tours abroad also took him to almost every
part of the world. He was welcomed and received by
large number of people as ‘ apostle of peace and
Universal Brotherhood . ’ People from different states
and countries would assemble at one center and listen
to His Holiness. Besides Indians , many others took
interest in Baba Ji ’ s teachings and felt highly
The people including those connected with
administration, particularly law and order , too did not
take long to understand the reality . Baba Ji 's
discourses in different parts of the country and abroad
and the over - whelming response from the masses
convinced them that the Mission stands for peace and
non- violence, progress and prosperity and lasting
happiness based on spiritual enlightenment.
Today, when one looks back and realizes the new
heights the Mission has touched, feels fully convinced
that Baba Hardev Singh Ji has lived up to his
commitment of carrying those lofty ideals to every
nook and corner of the world for which Baba
Gurbachan Singh Ji had laid down his life .


The Mission has found tremendous expansion in all
directions since 1980 . The ever - increasing number of
participants in the Samagams in Delhi and other places
bears testimony to the fact that the message of the
Mission is going home and attracting the seekers of
The attendance at the regular congregations is also
growing thicker and thicker . A number of new branches
of the Mission have been set up and so is the case
with Satsang Bhawans . Many new Missionaries have
been appointed in order to reach out places far and
wide . The North Eastern and Southern States of India
are also now fully familiar with the Mission and its
philosophy and more and more branches are being set
up in the various parts of these areas .
Today Delhi and Greater Delhi have 30 Sectors, while
the country is divided into 50 Zones. There is a
provision of constant co- ordination at every level as
also between the Headquarters and the smallest branch
of the Mission . Baba Hardev Singh Ji Maharaj has been
quite meticulous in his approach to the organizational
requirements of the fast expanding Mission .
He convened a conference in Delhi in March, 1987 , on
the lines of the two Mussoorie Conferences convened
by Baba Gurbachan Singh Ji in 1965 and in 1973.
Termed as a Special General Body Meeting of the Sant
Nirankari Mandal , it reviewed the decisions taken at
Mussoorie and re - emphasized the areas that were
considered relevant in the contemporary perspective .
In addition , it was decided to organise blood donation
camps at different places on the occasion of Manav
Ekta Divas as a gesture of selfless service to humanity
and a humble acknowledgement of the supreme
sacrifice of Baba Gurbachan Singh Ji for the noble
cause of human welfare.
Another important decision of this Conference was to
set up a full- fledged Department of Social Welfare and
place it under the charge of a Member of the Executive
Committee of the Sant Nirankari Mandal . The Nirankari
Sarovar Complex with its 5 - acre reservoir of neat and
clean water and another 20 acres of lush green lawns
with rows of beautiful flower plants, the Complex is
already a valuable anti - pollution gift to Delhi ecology .
In the same complex we have today a prestigious
institution of the Mission , the Nirankari Museum –
Journey Divine . Established in 2005 , it is a fine
presentation of the Mission ’ s ideology in the latest
audio- visual and still camera technology .
Trained volunteers take the visitors round and explain
each item to them. Baba Ji inaugurated the 8 th
International Conference on Corporate Governance in
London on September 20 , 2007 and called upon the
audience that ‘ as members of human family it is
important for them to imbibe the values of love,
compassion , tolerance, forgiveness and clean life
based on principles which form the foundation of a
good human being, which shape one ’ s character and
reflect in one ’ s actions ’.
In this way , His Holiness underlined the relevance of
the teachings of the Mission even for the Corporate
Sector . Similarly , Baba Ji visited the 27 - Nation
European Parliament in Strasbourg on September 26 ,
2007 and met its President . Here also the Mission ’ s
focus on human unity , religious harmony , love, peace
and truth found deep appreciation.

              Author: Dinesh 
        Twitter & facebook@rjdineshkumar

Monday 4 May 2015

Baba Gurbachan Singh Ji ( 1930 -1980 )

" It seems that nothing has been talked about,
More than God. Yet , few care to realise Him. "

Early Life

Baba Gurbachan Singh Ji was one of those
great masters who lived and died for the
noble cause of human unity through spiritual
awakening . Throughout , he endeavored to
transform the demoniac face of human
society and inculcate the spirit of peaceful
co- existence, love and harmony. He was
pained to find people quarrelling and
suffering because of hatred generated by
ignorance, blind faith and superstition .

Fortunately, Baba Gurbachan Singh Ji did not
have to go out to learn the real purpose of
human life , the reason for man 's suffering
and answer to his problems . His father, Baba
Avtar Singh Ji and the founder of the Sant
Nirankari Mission , Baba Buta Singh Ji blessed
him with spiritual awakening and provided
ample opportunity to him to imbibe and
practice the noble traits of selfless service,
surrender to the divine will and truthful
living, free from any kind of hatred or
jealousy. This turned his life into a practical
version of spirituality, a living example of
divine truth , so much so that Baba Avtar
Singh Ji chose to see the Satguru manifesting
himself in him and preferred to live as an
ordinary follower of the Mission for the rest
of his life .

Baba Gurbachan Singh was born on
December 10 , 1930 in Peshawar ( now in
Pakistan) . He received boundless love and
affection from his parents, Baba Avtar Singh
Ji and Jagat Mata Budhwanti Ji as also from
the then True Master Baba Buta Singh Ji ,
residing with the family at that time. Right
from his infancy, the child Gurbachan
manifested rare and remarkable qualities .
These qualities comprised sensitiveness to
human sorrow and suffering, sympathy for
the afflicted , avoidance of disputes , discord
and malice as also appreciation of fine traits
in others .
Gurbachan was a shining student. After doing
his Middle from Peshawar , he matriculated
from the Khalsa School , Rawalpindi. He ,
however , could not pursue his studies
further, because of the turmoil leading to
Partition of India . He , however , acquired rich
and rare experience of practical life by his
wisdom and intelligence .
During the turbulent days preceding the
Partition, every parent wished to be relieved
of his pressing responsibilities as quickly as
possible. Accordingly , Bhai Manna Singh
solemnized the marriage of his daughter,
Kulwant Kaur Ji , with Gurbachan Singh Ji on
April 22, 1947 , at a simple ceremony .
Kulwant Kaur Ji who subsequently became
popular as Nirankari Rajmata, marched
shoulder to shoulder with her husband .
Surely, the couple had been united by the
Almighty for the well being of humanity .

During Partition, people were migrating to
India . For the migrants of the Rawalpindi
area, a camp was set up at Wah, near border .
The Camp Officer entrusted to young
Gurbachan the job of looking after the
inmates of the Camp. The step had a deeper
significance. It was actually a test of
Gurbachan’s spirit of selfless service, self-
sacrifice and sense of justice which was
displayed by him admirably . One day when it
was announced on behalf of the Government
that those desirous of migrating to India ,
could do so by aeroplanes, then available, all
the devotees left for India , leaving their
belongings to the care of Gurbachan Singh Ji .
A few days later , he loaded all the belongings
of the devotees in a goods train and reached
India .
Following the migration, while Baba Avtar
Singh Ji resumed the Mission 's activities in
Delhi , Baba Gurbachan Singh Ji started
business in auto -parts , first in Jalandhar in
Punjab and later in Delhi . Simultaneously , he
took keen interest in congregations. He
would drive Baba Avtar Singh Ji to the places
of congregations both in the morning and in
the evening . Besides being at the service of
the Satguru, he attended to devotees also .


Head of the Mission

On December 3, 1962 , while addressing a
gathering of devotees at Paharganj in Delhi ,
Baba Avtar Singh Ji declared that hereafter
they should address Gurbachan Singh Ji as
Satguru, the True Master . On November 5 ,
1963 , the entire Nirankari world saw the
Satguru already manifested in him when they
assembled in Delhi for the 16 th Annual
Nirankari Sant Samagam .
Organisational Reforms
With the passage of time, the fast growing
number of devotees needed some
organizational reforms. For this purpose ,
Baba Ji convened the First Mussoorie
Conference on July 17 and 18 , 1965 , which
was attended by the organizers and the
preachers of the Mission. A number of
important decisions were taken to streamline
the administrative outfit and to spread
message of Mission . To this end , the
administrative work of the mission in the
country was divided into four zones.
On a suggestion from Baba Avtar Singh Ji
who attended this conference as one of the
missionaries, it was decided to start Building
fund for setting up Satsang Bhawans to
enable devotees to hold congregations
regularly. As suggested by the devotees from
foreign countries, it was also decided to
undertake missionary tours abroad.
Through world- wide tours of Baba Ji and his
missionaries, the message of the Mission
spread across the globe. In this way, the
campaign for human redemption and
spiritual enlightenment hitherto confined to
the boundaries of India , began to travel
overseas also.

Baba Ji convened the Second Mussoorie
Conference on May 14th, 15th and 16 th,
1973 . The Conference turned out to be a
watershed in the history of the Mission as it
proposed a code of conduct for the
missionaries. It was also decided at this
conference that while we may not hate
others on account of their diet- habits, we
ourselves should abstain from the use of all
kinds of intoxicants. Another decision was to
promote dowry free marriages and observe
austerity in other social functions.

Baba Ji gave a clarion call to all , especially
the youth to implement the above decisions.
He exhorted them to come to the fore for
propagating the Mission and combating the
social evils vigorously . He advised the older
generation to give full encouragement to the
youth in this direction, failing which they
would not only themselves lag behind but
also hamper the progress of the Mission .
Interestingly, Baba Ji' s son Hardev (the
present Head of the Mission ) and daughters
Niranjan , Jagjit , Mohini and Swaran all joined
Sewa Dal , (selfless voluntary service unit) as
its Primary Members .

A Multidimensional Vision
Baba Gurbachan Singh Ji believed in prompt
execution keeping both short-term and long -
term objectives in mind . He implemented his
vision by taking small steps and never
delayed short- term actions simply waiting for
long- term plans to materialize. That is why he
was able to turn the apparently impossible
looking into the possible . A little ahead of
the Sant Nirankari Colony , the Mission had a
large piece of wasteland . In 1965 , when the
country was facing a severe shortage of food
grains, Baba Ji thought of contributing his
mite in this direction by bringing the said
wasteland under cultivation..
The poor and arid condition of the soil did
not , however , permit its cultivation.

According to all the neighbouring cultivators,
accumulated salinity had rendered it unfit for
cultivation. The experts of the Indian
Agricultural Research Institute , New Delhi
too considered the land unproductive . This
seemed to be the general consensus , but
undeterred by such pessimistic verdicts, the
enterprising and innovative Baba Ji took up
the challenge.
A little away from the land in question , the
Government had set up a Water Treatment
plant . The effluent from this plant made the
surrounding area quite unhygienic . Baba Ji
chalked out a project to divert the effluent to
this barren land. Thousands of devotees
worked day and night for digging a long drain
to divert the flow of this effluent from the
plant to this land . In due course , the
wasteland was transformed into a lush green
field. The neighbouring farmers were amazed.

The officials of the Indian Agricultural
Research Institute too were wonder- struck
when invited to see the wasteland yield a
rich crop . They remarked that it was indeed
a miracle. Baba Ji , however , said that even
an impossible task could be accomplished ,
given dedication, firm faith and hard work .

Incidentally, the following year was
proclaimed as the year of " Green
Revolution". The land in question topped in
production of food grains in the area.
Likewise, keeping in view the scarcity of
petrol facing the country , Baba Ji with a
knack for innovation, converted the petrol
engines of the Mission' s vehicles into diesel
ones. Interestingly, the entire work was done
in the Mission' s own workshop under Baba
Ji' s supervision and guidance. All this was a
message to the world that hard work and
sincerity of purpose was the master key to
Though not a qualified architect or engineer ,
Baba Ji himself conceived and designed the
plans of the Bhawans. This is a testimony to
his being genius . The imposing hall at the
first floor of the Nirankari Satsang Bhawan in
Sant Nirankari Colony , Delhi , is an example
of his architectural skill. Dispensaries and
schools were also set up along with various
Bhawans. Buildings of two Senior Secondary
Schools in Delhi and a Degree College at
Sohna, Distt . Gurgaon , Haryana were also
constructed as per Baba Ji 's plans. Baba Ji
took keen interest in homeopathy also.



Quite predictably, the voice of truth first
raised by Baba Buta Singh Ji and Baba Avtar
Singh Ji and now spread by Baba Gurbachan
Singh Ji was resisted by the orthodox.The
rapid progress of the Mission had sometimes
upset these elements to the level of
desperation. Many a time , Baba Ji called
upon them to first understand the Mission
and then point out if there was anything
wrong. But all his gestures fell flat on them .
Congregations were disturbed at many places .
Violent attacks were also reported from
several centers.

The worst in the chain was the attack on the
Baisakhi Samagam in Amritsar on April 13 ,
1978 . Baba Gurbachan Ji was scheduled to
address the Samagam. But before he arrived,
about 200 fanatics attacked the
congregation. The police opened fire.
Eighteen precious lives were lost. The
incident was followed by a court case .
Several Nirankari saints remained in judicial
custody for about two years before they were
acquitted honourably. The case was declared
to be false and fabricated . The court passed
severe strictures against the then
Government of Punjab for filing a totally
false case against innocent Nirankaris . The
court held fanatics responsible for brutal
attack on peaceful Nirankari congregation.
While the case was on, Baba Gurbachan Singh
Ji did not sit back due to the turmoil . He
declared that Truth had always to face such
opposition and the greatest quality of the
saints is that they do not feel frustrated
realising that the Truth is on their side and it
must triumph in the long run. T:here was,
therefore, no let up in the activities of the
The opposition, however, did not end with
the historic Karnal verdict in the Amritsar
case, acquitting all the accused Nirankaris ,
including Baba Gurbachan Singh Ji ,
honourably. The fanatics made Baba
Gurbachan Singh Ji personally the target of
their violence . They made an attempt on his
life first in Kanpur in Uttar Pradesh and then
near Durg in Madhya Pradesh .
Ultimately , Baba Ji fell to their bullets in
Delhi on April 24, 1980 . Naturally, every
peace-loving person lamented and
condemned the senseless act of the fanatics
as an attack on love and peace by the forces
of hatred and violence . “ An Apostle of God' s
glory , a Messiah of human unity and a true
social reformer, had fallen prey to religious
intolerance" , commented newspapers . It was
another blot on human history, said the
intellectuals . And the peace-loving humanists
felt that humanism had been ravaged.
Mere condemnation of the brutal act would ,
however , not suffice. The entire Nirankari
world was in dismay. Their sense of tolerance
as also the patience was under severe stress.
It was only for the successor of Baba
Gurbachan Singh Ji, His son Baba Hardev
Singh Ji came to their rescue. He put aside
his own worldly sentiments usual for a son
on the tragic demise of his father and
consoled every follower of the Mission to
face the tragedy boldly and without any
feeling of vengeance .


    Author : Dinesh
Copyright © 2015 rjCreation

Baba Avtar Singh Ji (1899 - 1969 )



Childhood Days

Baba Avtar Singh Ji was born in a small
village named Latifal in Jhelum District ( now
in Pakistan ) on December 31 , 1899 in the
family of Shri Mukha Singh Ji and Smt.
Narayani Devi Ji. He was being brought up
with due affection and indulgence, but when
he was just 6 years, his father died after
brief illness.
This untimely loss was a big jolt to the
family. Then the responsibility of looking
after the family gravitated to the shoulders
of his mother Narayani. The little boy Avtar
was entrusted to the care of Shri Nand Lal , a
local priest, for education as there was no
school in the village . In a short span of time
he was able to study scriptures . As he grew ,
Avtar proved to be extraordinarily intelligent .
Family hardships made Avtar a very strong
and determined person . When he was just 12 ,
his maternal uncle Shri Narain Singh took
him to Rawalpindi . In Rawalpindi , Avtar
worked first at a hotel and then as a porter
at railway station . There , he incidentally
came in contact with Seth Sawan Mal.
Impressed by his honesty , integrity and hard
work , Seth Sawan Mal employed Avtar in his
bakery and eventually he made him a partner
and handed over the whole unit to him. This
was a step that marked the beginning of
Avtar's life of determination and firm faith in


The Holy Meeting

On 25 May 1929 came the turning point in
the life of Baba Avtar Singh, when he met his
guru Baba Buta Singh in Peshawar. Ecstasy
took hold of him and he was all praise for
the Master and Nirankar, the Formless God
all around. He surrendered himself
completely to Baba Buta Singh Ji and
announced that hereafter his life would
follow the way as Baba Buta Singh Ji would
He declared that he had found his destiny at
the holy feet of Baba Buta Singh Ji . The latter
was also happy because he found in Baba
Avtar Singh Ji the kind of disciple he had
been looking for , a person who would
surrender his body , mind and material assets
at the altar of divinity and be prepared to
take the spiritual light to the masses and
share the eternal bliss with those who were
otherwise fumbling in the darkness of
From that day both Baba Buta Singh Ji and
Baba Avtar Singh Ji worked together . The
movement gathered momentum gradually. As
expected, they faced a lot of opposition from
the orthodox elements, but this failed to
deter them from the path of truth . The two
were together for about 14 years. On many
occasions, Baba Avtar Singh Ji 's loyalty ,
sincerity , devotion and dedication towards
his True Master and the Almighty was put to
test. Every time , he proved up to the mark
and won praise from the True Master .



Baba Avtar Singh Ji succeeded Baba Buta
Singh Ji and preached the divine message
during the period from 1943 to 1962 . He
was all out for the uplift of mankind through
dissemination of the divine word . He faced
opposition from different fronts in carrying
out his missionary obligations , but he
remained moulded and welded to the Truth.
He appeased the flood of opposition with his
deep spirit of humility and love . He
possessed wonderful skill to convince his
critics, provided they chose to listen to him.
There are many instances where critics , after
listening to Baba Ji , joined the Mission and
dedicated their lives to the propagation of its
Following the partition of India in 1947 ,
Baba Avtar Singh Ji had to shift from
Rawalpindi (now in Pakistan ) to Paharganj ,
Delhi (India ) . Devotees migrating from
Pakistan also maintained their contact with
Baba Ji and sought rehabilitation in and
around Delhi . In order to meet the
requirements of the children of the devotees
and others , Baba Avtar Singh Ji opened Sant
Nirankari School in Paharganj , (which is now
a Senior Secondary School ) . Subsequently , he
also established Sant Nirankari Colony in
North Delhi and shifted the Headquarters of
the Mission there. Santokh Sarovar ( now
called Nirankari Sarovar ) was also developed
near the Colony .
The ideology of the Mission was easy to
understand and follow in practical day- to-day
life . It attracted people from all castes and
communities. The Mission prescribed no
cumbersome rituals or costly ceremonies and
liberated people from all kind of taboos .
Then, it loved all and hated none . The masses
that had just experienced the havoc that
communalism and religious intolerance could
play with the mankind , gone through the
misery before Partition and suffered from
the agony even thereafter . They had not only
seen the disease of casteism in its full swing,
but felt the sting also, welcomed the Mission
where all of them were treated as equally
respected and dignified members of one
human society. They found here what they
really needed —the Mission under the
spiritual leadership of Baba Avtar Singh Ji ,
was providing spiritual balm to heal their
worldly wounds, the inner strength to bear
the sorrow and the morale boosting to
continue their journey of life .
The orthodox elements continued to harass
Baba Avtar Singh . One day, while a
congregation was going on at the residence
of Baba Avtar Singh Ji , some people came and
started shouting slogans against him. When
they continued for some time and did not
disperse, some of the disciples asked for
Baba Ji ’s permission to go and teach them a
lesson. Instead Baba Ji asked some disciples
to go and offer them water. The
demonstrators felt very happy . But when
they came to know that the water was being
offered on behalf of Baba Avtar Singh Ji , they
felt ashamed at their mistake and realized
how He possessed divine qualities of
compassion, love for all and forgiveness.


Organisational Set - up

To give an organisational outfit to the
expanding Mission, Baba Avtar Singh Ji
founded Sant Nirankari Mandal in 1948 and
got it registered with Headquarters at Delhi .
Establishing branches in various cities with
Pramukhs- incharge also came in the priority
agenda of the Master for holding regular
congregations and taking forward the
message of the Mission . For this very
purpose, Sant Nirankari Sewa Dal also came
into being in 1956 with Chacha Pratap Singh
as its Head .
Publication wing was set up for books and
periodicals. Bringing various books
containing philosophy of the Mission were
attempted by missionary scholars with deep
inspiration from the Master . The Avtar Bani ,
considered the essence of the Nirankari
Ideology , was published in 1957 .
Devotee Once Again – A rare example
One of the unique things related to Baba
Avtar Singh Ji is that during his life time
itself he took a decision to revert from the
Satguru to an ordinary devotee . The Annual
Nirankari Sant Samagam which opened on
November 5 , 1963 was, of course , the first
occasion when devotees from all over saw
Baba Gurbachan Singh Ji as the Spiritual
Head of the Mission. With this, the Satguru
stood manifested in Baba Gurbachan Singh Ji .
As a devotee, Baba Avtar Singh Ji became an
example to others. He showed full reverence
to the Satguru of the time , Baba Gurbachan
Singh Ji .
In 1969 Baba Gurbachan Singh Ji and
Rajmata Kulwant Kaur Ji left for tour to U .K .
The tour had, however, to be cut short
because of sudden deterioration in the health
of Baba Avtar Singh Ji who breathed his last
on September 17 , 1969 i. e. , after a few days
of their return .


Last Journey

Going by worldly norms , having been the
spiritual head of the Mission for about 20
years, many devotees insisted that Baba Avtar
Singh Ji be given a grand funeral with sandal
wood etc .
But Baba Gurbachan Singh Ji explained that a
dead body is just a dead body whether it
belonged to an ordinary person , an
intellectual, or even a holy man . So Baba
Avtar Singh Ji was given a simple funeral at
the electric crematorium in Delhi .


An rjCreation initiative

Sunday 3 May 2015

Baba Buta Singh Ji Maharaj ( 1873 -1943 )

Author: Dinesh

"I sacrifice my all to the man who is eager,
within and without to realise God. "

Inclined towards God since childhood
The founder of the Sant Nirankari Mission ,
Baba Buta Singh Ji was born in the year 1873
at Village Hudwal , Distt. Kaimalpur (Pakistan )
in the family of Shri Bishan Singh Ji and Smt.
Mayawanti Ji . He had spiritual leaning from
the very childhood and had developed a
special aptitude for reciting Gurbani ( holy
verses from the Adi Granth ).
A good orator on Gurbani , he was equally
sincere and serious in understanding the
same . This trait helped paving his way to
reach and realise the Truth. It is said that
whenever he used to recite Gurbani or sing
the same , he would be so lost in it as to
forget even his physical self. His views and
concepts was so clear and strong that nobody
could utter even a single word to negate his
view- point.

Meeting True Master …his Satguru

On a day in 1913 , Baba Buta Singh was
singing at a congregation . With tears in his
eyes, he sang: Mohan ghar aavo , haun karon
jodariya ( O Lord, come home, I humbly
entreat.) .Those sitting in the congregation
were enjoying the delightful recitation . One
of them , Bhai Sahib Kahan Singh Ji, who was
also listening to Baba Buta Singh Ji with rapt
attention, noted the repetition of the above

After the program , he could not resist
approaching Baba Buta Ji . He asked him
politely, " Bhai Buta Singh Ji , where is your
Mohan (Lord ) whom you want to meet ?" and
added hastily , “ First know Him, otherwise
your calling Him will have no effect. "
These words had a piercing effect on the
young Buta Singh Ji . He clearly understood
that the person did possess some spiritual
secret. He followed him for knowing the
Truth. Bhai Sahib Kahan Singh Ji initially tried
to put him off , but ultimately he had to yield
to the former's humility and strong urge and
finally revealed God knowledge to him.
At the time of receiving Brahm Gyan or God -
knowledge, Baba Buta Singh Ji was 40 years
old . For about 15 years he remained quiet ,
assimilating what he had come to know from
Bhai Sahib Kahan Singh Ji and comparing it
with the vast knowledge of Gurbani he had.
Thereafter Baba Buta Singh Ji started
revealing the Divine Secret to whosoever was
found interested and among his first few
disciples was Baba Avtar Singh Ji .
Baba Buta Singh Ji and his esteemed wife had
a very simple life . Being a staunch devotee of
God, Baba Buta Singh Ji would not like to
think of worldly requirements beyond what
was necessary for 'present '. He had a brief
stint in the Army. Later , he left the job and
adopted art of tattooing for livelihood which
was quiet adequate to maintain his family .
Meeting with Avtar Singh Ji – foundation of
Sant Nirankari Mission
The Sant Nirankari Mission had its formal
beginning on May 25 , 1929 , the day when
Baba Avtar Singh Ji received God -knowledge
from Baba Buta Singh Ji and joined him in
taking the spiritual light to as many people as
possible. The orthodox elements of the time
did resist them but indirectly served to make
the Mission known to more and more people .
One day the Master and his Disciple were
going to Village Latifal , the birth place of
Baba Avtar Singh Ji . From the Dhudial railway
station they had to walk on foot for about
four miles. Some critics from Dhudial ,
however , planned to kill them . So , they were
hiding on the way.
The sun had already set and there was
darkness all around. Baba Buta Singh Ji and
Baba Avtar Singh Ji , however , were so
engrossed in their conversation that they
took a different road . Naturally , their
opponents kept waiting for them in vain. This
convinced them of the spiritual power of
Baba Buta Singh Ji and the very next day they
all surrendered to him .
Baba Buta Singh Ji believed that the selfless
service to others is a seed for prosperity and
he wanted to see every disciple of his
prospering. One day he asked one of his
disciples to shell out some money for
offering food to saints. Baba Avtar Singh Ji
saw this and said, “ Baba Ji , you could have
told me. Why did you ask for money from
the other person ? He may start
misunderstanding you.” Baba Ji , however ,
replied, “Bhai Avtar Singh! Do you want to
usurp the entire wealth of the world?
Don’t you think Satguru is a always a giver
and not a beggar . I want that every disciple
may prosper . None should suffer from
material wants. That is why I ask them to
contribute something towards service of
others. This will prove a seed for their
prosperity ”. Baba Avtar Singh Ji understood
what the Master wanted to teach and
thereafter never objected to such an act
The last Journey
It is said that Baba Buta Singh Ji knew about
his end. In 1943 , he was convalescing at a
popular tourist resort , Koh Murree (now in
Pakistan) . Some of his disciples were looking
after him. He asked Baba Avtar Singh Ji to
call other disciples also. When most of the
disciples assembled , Baba Buta Singh Ji asked
Baba Avtar Singh Ji to arrange for some white
sheets, etc . normally required at the time of
After everything was arranged, he took out
his white Dupatta i .e . scarf and put it round
the neck of Baba Avtar Singh Ji and bowed at
his feet. All other disciples understood that
he was nominating Baba Avtar Singh Ji as his
successor to head the Mission . He told Baba
Avtar Singh Ji that white Dupatta is not a sign
of decoration; it is a symbol of
responsibility. It is like a necklace of razors.
The razors may not harm so long as the neck
is straight. What he meant was that he
should move straight on the path of the
Truth without permitting his mind to waver .
All the disciples bowed at the feet of Baba
Avtar Singh Ji and thus accepted him as their
Spiritual Master .
Moments later , Baba Buta Singh breathed his
last. His body was taken on its last journey in
a procession led by Military Band . And this
closed the first chapter of the history of the
Sant Nirankari Mission .

Thursday 23 April 2015

Sant nirankari mission -brief intro

IContents managed by: Dinesh
Follow me on facebook and twitter @rjdineskumar
All rights reserved by ©rjCreations

" God is everywhere , close to all , but cannot be
realised without the help of the True Master . "

The pursuit of Truth is a universal
phenomenon. Religious faiths all across the
world proclaim to preach it , and amongst
them they agree that there is no greater
Truth than the Supreme Being, the Creator of
the Universe, the Almighty Formless One -
Nirankar. The many and varied names for
God all represent an omnipresent , all -
pervasive, omniscient, and Supreme Entity.
All the sages, seers , saints, gurus and
prophets from across time have, therefore ,
preached the same Ultimate Truth; God. The
approach, however , might have been
different. The various Holy Scriptures are the
milestones representing the flow of Divine
Thought. These writings and teachings were
meant to reveal the Ultimate Truth. History,
however , shows that rituals and dogmas
overwhelmed the essential Truth behind
these teachings, creating confusion and
division between religions , sects , and
Baba Buta Singh Ji , the founder and first
Satguru of the Sant Nirankari Mission ,
recognized that adhering to rites and rituals
does not enable humans to realize God. That
can happen only with the grace of a God -
realized soul. In 1929 Baba Buta Singh Ji
began to show the path of uniting with God.
This is how the Sant Nirankari Mission and
Satguru tradition began.
The Satguru tradition states that God -
realization is possible only through the
Satguru, the teacher of God Knowledge. The
mission of the Satguru is eternal, for there is
always another candle to light, another life
to transform .
The pursuit of Truth is a universal
phenomenon. Religious faiths all across the
world proclaim to preach it , and amongst
them they agree that there is no greater
Truth than the Supreme Being, the Creator of
the Universe, the Almighty Formless One -
Nirankar. The many and varied names for
God all represent an omnipresent , all -
pervasive, omniscient, and Supreme Entity.
All the sages, seers , saints, gurus and
prophets from across time have, therefore ,
preached the same Ultimate Truth; God. The
approach, however , might have been
different. The various Holy Scriptures are the
milestones representing the flow of Divine
Thought. These writings and teachings were
meant to reveal the Ultimate Truth. History,
however , shows that rituals and dogmas
overwhelmed the essential Truth behind
these teachings, creating confusion and
division between religions , sects , and
Baba Buta Singh Ji , the founder and first
Satguru of the Sant Nirankari Mission ,
recognized that adhering to rites and rituals
does not enable humans to realize God. That
can happen only with the grace of a God -
realized soul. In 1929 Baba Buta Singh Ji
began to show the path of uniting with God.
This is how the Sant Nirankari Mission and
Satguru tradition began.
The Satguru tradition states that God -
realization is possible only through the
Satguru, the teacher of God Knowledge. The
mission of the Satguru is eternal, for there is
always another candle to light, another life
to transform .

Please let me know your your reaction after readings this article.

Contents managed by: Dinesh
Follow me on facebook and twitter @rjdineskumar
All rights reserved by ©rjCreations